I have 10 years experience as a workshop leader with community groups around the country. I have worked in settings such as high security prisons and hospices. I have worked with people seeking asylum and people with learning disablities. Below are some examples of my work.
Examples of work
Interactive performance
Band of Jays perform songs about people turning into birds and get audience members to join the band; writing lyrics, singing chorues, playing instruments, and dancing.
This was a project for The Huddersfield Mission.
Over 12 workshops we wrote and recorded songs about living in Huddersfield. Many of the thoughts and ideas came from experiences of homelessness. I ran the sessions and recorded and mixed the songs.
Support was from Samuel and Bev Moss.
Music making
This was a project for Hoot Creative Arts.
In each workshop we went to another part of the world, learned about it's music and wrote music based on what we learned and heard.